Here You Can Find Your Favorite Jibaku Shounen CostumeIn Japan, the manga series "Jibaku Shounen" is one of the most popular series in the genre. It is currently running at a high level in terms of popularity and has been translated into other languages. The series revolves around a low-level bureaucrat named Jibaku who lives with his family and works as an assistant to his boss, who happens to be a high-level bureaucrat. Are you a fan of the Jibaku Shounen series? Then you’re in luck - we have just the item for you! Our Jibaku Shounen costume will have you looking just like your favorite character. Made with quality materials and precise attention to detail, this costume is sure to make you stand out in any crowd. The costume also includes a hoodie, shirt, and t-shirt so you can be sure to match your character’s iconic look. With its classic design and comfortable fit, this costume is the perfect way to show your love for the Jibaku Shounen series. So why wait? Get yours on our cosplay website today and make sure you’re the center of attention at your next event!