Get Your Favorite Kaguya-sama Love Is War Character Costume HereKaguya-sama Love Is War is an anime television series adaptation produced by A-1 Pictures and aired in Japan from January to March 2019. It is based on the light novel series of the same name by Kanae Amano, written under her pen name, Kaguya Himeji. Are you an anime fan searching for a Kaguya-sama Love Is War costume? we have the perfect costume for you to bring your anime character to life. Our Kaguya-sama Love Is War costume is perfect for any anime fan, from casual to hardcore. Made from high-quality materials, this costume is sure to last you a long time. The material is lightweight and breathable, allowing you to move around with ease. if you are looking to cosplay as your favorite Kaguya-sama Love Is War character, this costume is a perfect choice! Get your Kaguya-sama Love Is War costume today and let your imagination run wild! At OtakuPlan online cosplay shop, we have a wide selection of anime and manga series costumes, giving you the perfect opportunity to show off your fandom with pride. From Dragon Ball Z, Cells at Work, and Ben 10, we are sure to have the perfect costume for you. Made from quality fabric materials, the Kaguya-sama costume is sure to keep you comfortable for hours on end.