Why You Choose My Neighbour Totoro Costume?My Neighbour Totoro is a movie directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It tells the story of two young sisters, Satsuki and Mei, who move to a rural town in Japan to be closer to their ailing mother. The film is set in the late 1940s and early 1950s, in a forest called Totoro's forest, where the children encounter a large, fuzzy creature called Totoro. Totoro is a giant cat-like creature that has a special connection with the girls and takes them on many adventures. The children are led on these adventures by Totoro's "sitting" and his two large eyes. The film is based on the children's memories of the experiences they had in the forest. Everyone's favorite giant, furry forest creature is coming to town! Imagine the feeling of comfort and security you will feel when you slip into this costume and imagine that you are surrounded by Totoro. Get into the spirit of the movie with a My Neighbour Totoro costume! A great way to celebrate the world's favorite character, Totoro! Make your own Totoro Costume and show your friends how adorable you are.