Get Your Favorite Red Robin Costume HereThe series follows the adventures of Tim Drake, a teenager who becomes the new Red Robin after his mentor Bruce Wayne dies and leaves him his legacy. The series also stars Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Cassandra Cain (Batgirl), Jason Todd (Red Hood), and Stephanie Brown (Spoiler). Welcome to Otakuplan, your one-stop online destination for all your Red Robin costume needs! We take pride in offering some of the finest quality and most stylish Red Robin costumes available. Our Red Robin costumes are sure to make any fan of the DC Comics Universe happy, as they feature the exact same design and detailing as the comic book original. We use only the best and highest quality materials, making sure that your costume will last for many years and provide you with comfortable and enjoyable wear every time. All of our costumes are officially licensed and feature accurate and realistic designs, sure to make you look just like the original comic book character with little effort. If you're looking for a quality Red Robin costume, then look no further than Otakuplan. With our selection of costumes and accessories, you'll be sure to find the perfect ensemble to complete your DC Comics look. Shop through our online cosplay shop today and get your favorite Red Robin costume today!