Why You Choose Our The Promised Neverland CostumeThe Promised Neverland is a series of Japanese manga written by Kaiu Shirai and illustrated by Posuka Demizu. The manga was first serialized in the monthly manga magazine "Monthly Comic Zero Sum", starting on December 25, 1965. It ran for about two years and is about a young boy named Shiro who has to grow up quickly after his father's death. The Promised Neverland Costume is the perfect way to show your appreciation for this beloved anime series. The costume features a full-length, high-quality polyester jumpsuit with a crimson red and black design that perfectly captures the look of the characters. The jumpsuit is designed to fit comfortably and securely, while still allowing you to move freely while you cosplay. The costume is also machine-washable, so you can easily keep it clean. The Promised Neverland costume collection! Here you can find the perfect costume to show off your fandom for the popular anime series. Our high quality The Promised Neverland costumes are perfect for any occasion; whether you're wanting to wear yours for Halloween, cosplay, Anime conventions, or just for everyday fun, you'll be sure to make a statement. Featuring an array of characters from the show, you can now dress up as your favorite character and bring their unique style to life. The costumes are made from durable, quality fabrics, so you can look your best and feel comfortable no matter the occasion.